Disaster Relief

The White Shirt On The Pole

Only a few days after we launched the food bank in Ecuador, the work is spreading to more places. Pastor Carlos Marchan and his team in Puyo has been giving out essentials to the people in the city, but now they are planning a trip inside Jungle to one of the small communities.

The people living in the jungle are under the same lock down as the people in the city and they have nothing to eat. Usually they will travel to the city to buy food or trade for food, but because of the curfew they can’t make it that far. They live so remote, without lights and running water, and they don’t have any cars.

Over the past years we have been visiting the village several times. Usually we would travel out there in the morning, preach the gospel and share a meal with them. Some of you might remember the pictures, my sons tribal adventure when they painted us in the face and gave us chicha to drink as a part of their welcome tradition!

The White Shirt

Right now the team in Puyo is making care packages for the villages with rice, eggs and cooking oil and other things. The government gives out rations of five eggs and a little rice, but our team has been able to buy a lot of eggs so they are giving out packages of 30 eggs which is a huge blessing.

For the past two days our team have been giving out care packages in Puyo, and as they went out to the suburbs, they saw white shirts hanging outside the houses. This has become a common thing in Ecuador, people hanging out their shirts as a sign of surrender to show that they have no more food.

We Need Your Help

In Puyo pastor Carlos Marchan and his team sre loading the cars with care packages to drive out in the communities In just a few days, his church has become a food bank, a distribution center of essentials.

This has been possible through generous donations from our local church and from business people that we know. As the team in Ecuador has been sending pictures of families and elderly people receiving help, we know that we are reaching the lost.

If you want to be a part of this, we will be very thankful. Think about the white shirt on the pole. Look at the pictures, the faces of the children, the elderly, the places they live and the fear and poverty they are facing due to COVID-19.

If you want to support, you can buy a care package for 15 dollars. One package will feed a family for two weeks.

Click on the link and donate today.

Disaster Relief

Relief And Revival to The Panhandle

Watch the video here, Outreach to Mexico Beach

Dear readers of my blog. My last post wasn’t mine, in fact, it was Karen who wrote on my behalf because I was to busy to sit down for several days getting hurricane relief organized and sent to The Panhandle and things went really fast once I started calling pastors, ministers, and business people for help. I realized I had a lot of friends out there! My phone was on fire, and so were my friends!

Pastor Bobby Williams from Freedom Tour in Winter Haven, was already in Panama City with the first two loads of food and water and planning his way back again with another load. Pastor Daniel McGehee from Rural Revival America was already working on his load but was not sure where to take it. When I called pastor Ron Johnson from One Church, Orlando, his youth pastor Kile Riggs was already collecting stuff but did not know where to bring it. James Watson from Real Life, Clermont, immediately volunteered to bring a truckload of water and rented another truck for me with a trailer, I had personally not even thought of how to bring the relief up there yet. All was so preplanned. God had already spoken to several people and things went fast, real fast. My friend Mark Lewis and his wife Fonda from Laserweld, Houston Inc, Texas were on their way to Florida to preach in Powerhouse Church but canceled their air tickets and instead filled their big RV with nine generators and supplies. They left their RV for coworkers use at the staging ground in Mexico Beach. Several pastors donated money for generators and gasoline so that we as a group could buy generators where they were cheap and available around the states. Together we hauled more than 30!

Wednesday we all met with our loads in Pt. St. Joe and started distributing. There was quite a bit of chaos and it was easy to feel the pain in the people. Everybody knew somebody that had lost all. Our contact was a sweet elderly lady called Kay, she knew everybody around and through her, we got started on the ground. As we were unloading I heard shouts from inside the staging hall and soon they send for pastor Bobby Williams while I continued unloading with my crew in what felt like 100 degrees. It got more and louder inside and I decided to go in to see what was going on. Sure enough, it was pastor Daniel McGehee again, you leave him out of sight for two minutes and he starts a revival in the grocery store, at the gas station or at the staging area in the catastrophe zone. He is so Jesus wild that he will preach wherever there are people.

My brothers in Christ were there, praying for the relief workers for salvation, healing, deliverance, and people were on the ground knocked out in the Spirit. I had to see that for myself and stood in the back watching these two men of God bringing Jesus Christ into this hopeless situation. A guy next to me said that “He could sure use a healing too because his back had been in pain for many years”…  I prayed for him and he was healed on the spot!

Somebody had to do the hard work unloading the trailer so I went out again but was cut off by this lady in the door who asked me to speak to her ear, ” I have been deaf on that ear for many years”, she said. She pulled her hearing aid out of the other ear and asked me to speak one more time. She responded immediately. ” I can hear much better on that ear as well, I think God sent you guys here”, she said with tears running down her cheeks.

When I finally came out to the trailer a man came up to me. “Are you all doing revival meetings in the area?” he asked because he wanted to come with his whole family. “Are you serious?”, I asked and he said loud and clear ” Yes”. I realized right there that people were so grateful to be alive after that horrible hurricane and many had been praying while hiding for God to protect them and he did.

This week Pastors Daniel McGehee and Bobby William’s are starting revival meetings in the middle of that whole chaos of destruction and I believe many will come to Christ. That day in the middle of the destruction many people got saved, healed and delivered. It took a hurricane in their lives to chase them into the hands of Our Loving Father. Over the past week, many more loads of provisions kept coming in and yesterday our contact called us and said that they had enough water and food. Now they need supplies for those that cannot live in their houses and are staying on beaches so we will continue to help them bring in outdoor equipment, cooking gear, and blankets, chainsaws etc.

The good news is that the basic physical needs in the area, so now we can start to care for the Spiritual needs – bringing the Good News to the victims of Hurricane Michael.

Check out this greeting from Pastor Wanda from Lighthouse Pentecostal Ministries.

Greetings From Pastor Wanda

Words can be hard to find in times like this! Praise God for folks like you who have gone above and beyond to help our communities that have been affected by hurricane Michael! “Thank You” does not seem adequate to tell you what your help and support has meant to us up here in the Panhandle of Florida! We pray for God to bless each of you – a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over!                                                       Pastor Wanda, Lighthouse Pentecostal Ministries

Disaster Relief

Help Us Help The Hurricane Victims



The past two days have been wild. It started yesterday morning. Even before I was out of bed my husband was out praying, calling in help from the north, the south, the east, and the west. He was praying for the Panhandle, for the people affected by the Hurricane Michael, that made landfall in Mexico Beach, Florida as a high-end Category 4 storm early Wednesday afternoon — the strongest such storm on record to hit the Florida Panhandle and one of the strongest ever to strike the continental U.S.

While we were still with the ministry in Denmark, my husband traveled to America and had his first revival in Oak Grove Church in Pt. Saint Joe 12 miles down the coast from Mexico Beach. It was back in 2008-2009, and after this event, we kept coming back every year on our road trip to preach and to meet our brothers and sisters in Christ. This church blessed our socks off, the first time we were there they gave a big offering into our ministry, and God showed me that now is the time to bless the people back.

These people are suffering. Many have lost their homes and businesses, they have no electricity, no water, no food, they are in deep need of everything – even a toothbrush! One man woke up after the storm with no house, no car and the place where he used to work was blown away. We have all seen the pictures on the news. It is hard to imagine, but there are areas at the coast that will not have electricity before January,

My husband has been working hard to generate money for generators. Last night he went to Lowes and bought their last generators for cost price, he bought it on the credit card without knowing if the money would come, but God is faithful. As I am writing this blog, money is coming in towards the generators, so that we are able to buy more. Together with other pastors we now have more than 30 generators to bring to the people in the Panhandle! Besides this, we have bought jerry cans that we are filling up with diesel to get the generators up and running.

We have direct contact with people in the staging places in Mexico Beach and Pt. St. Joe. If somebody wants to come and stay to help clean up, they will provide places. When are we leaving? My husband and our son are leaving early Wednesday morning. Somebody just called and said that he is renting a truck for me,  so now we will be several trucks going from our church. The ride is usually around six hours, but right now we don’t know how long it’s gonna take. The roads are really bad and broken trees are everywhere.

Besides generators and 100 gallons of diesel, we will bring chainsaws, blankets, water, and food.  We have people drop off stuff at our house and at our church, and our friends from Texas will meet us halfway in an RV loaded with stuff. Things are growing as I am writing. I wanted my husband to blog but he is too busy loading stuff and talking on the phone. Now when we got an extra vehicle we need to take more stuff!

When we started we have nothing, but God is touching peoples hearts as we have been sharing. People share a lot these days on social media and I hope you will help us share! But don’t let it stop there, remember sharing is not the same as caring. If you want to join us, you can go to our donate page and sow a seed. There are so many needs and we need many people to contribute. Why are we doing this? Because Jesus said, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Even a little help can be a big blessing for somebody. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please check this video! do unto others