Christianity community Lifestyle The Promise

Bible, Bacon and Bullets

Over the past couple of years we have made several attempts to start a Mens Ministry at the church, usually once or twice a year, and often with a very low attendance because people always have to work.

This year we did it again, but instead of inviting the men to the church, I decided to bring them out to The Promise which is our future family and ministry home on 12 acres of land half an hours drive from the church in Orlando. My friend from Texas was working behind the scenes. He has been very involved in mens ministry, so he kind of talked me into it. When we first announced it, we called it Bible & Bacon, and then my friend added another B for Bullets, so they all could come and shoot guns!

I guess this was the key to succes. Somehow the sizzling bacon on the griddle would make most of the men rise and shine, and it seemed like adding bullets to the breakfast would be a winner as well.

What is a Good Man?

Saturday morning my field turned into a parking lot as all the guys came to sit at my table to eat and fellowship. The bacon was good, and the Bible was even better. I shared a word on Barnabas who was known as a “good man”, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, leading people to Christ and playing an essential role as an assistant to the apostle Paul (Acts 11).

Right there we talked about our faith in Jesus and what it takes to be a good man, which is different from what you find in your workplace and in the world today. In the Kingdom of God it is not all about money and muscles, trucks, trophees and a trimmed lawn in front of your townhome. God does not look at the outwards, but he looks at your heart.

After breakfast and bible study, people went to the shooting range bringing their weapons and lots of bullets. What a sight! The tables were all set, all we had to do was line up! I had heard that there was a shortage of ammunition in the United States, but not today. Somehow it looked like all the ammunition was right here at The Promise.

Go for the Target

We spend the next hours shooting guns into a big pile of dirt. My neighbor had been cutting the grass, and my friend from Texas had marked the site with yellow painted tires. It was so cool. Some of us did pretty well, and it was great to see how especially the new guys enjoyed the day, the fellowship and the scenery.

My prayer is that they will go for the target and not miss the mark. It is not about the bacon and the bullets, it is about the gospel, finding salvation in Jesus Christ, through the work of the cross and his resurrection power. We are all created in the image of God, and we have all been equipped with mighty weapons so we can fight the good fight in the light, against the power of darkness. Time is precious. Let us not waste more bullets, missing the mark, but focus on the target and live our life fully for Him!


Powerhouse Church

Our Vision For The Community

In this blog post, I want to share a video about Powerhouse Church and our vision for our OBT community in Orlando. In the video, I will explain to you how it all began, how we as a family started to feed the poor and needy, and how people came to support the vision. You will see our street, our building and you will meet some of the amazing people in our community.

Click on the link and enjoy.

I hope this will inspire you to do something in your community as well!

Powerhouse Church

Speaking Life At The Hospital

Yesterday I went to the hospital to visit one of my “sheep”. I don’t know what other pastors do when they go here, but my errand was a little unusual. I had heard from a neighbor that this man was in the hospital – and the neighbor also told me, that the house where he used to live now was a crime scene, his roommate had been stabbed in the house by his girlfriend and the police were investigating, so honestly, I did not know exactly what to expect!

As I came into the room, the man was sitting on the hospital bed waiting for the nurse to dress his wounds. First I thought it was from the stabbing incident, but then I realized it was something else. I found out he had been in the hospital for 12 days, even before the incident, and his wounds were not there because of a weapon.

“I dropped the pot of boiling soup on my feet”, he explained. “We were cooking on the fire outside, and I wanted to bring soup inside to cool off. I dropped the pot and I burned my feet, he explained. I looked at his wound. It was not on his foot but on his thigh, since the burn was so bad, that they had to make a skin transplant in order to fix it. I found out that this guy had been walking around trying to self-medicate the burn with hydroperoxide for several days, which only made it worse. Eventually, he had passed out, most likely from drugs, and this was how he came to the hospital

I love this guy so much. He lives in a small house in a side street to OBT, very close to the church. He shows up when we have our community days and our community dinners, and I go there to visit when I can. A few months ago I had him ready and packed to go into a rehab, but on the day we were supposed to leave, he had barricaded himself drunk inside his little house and he refused to leave. I called the rehab center and canceled, and a couple of days later somebody more desperate than him had taken his place.

In the hospital, I called the rehab and explained the situation. They know it is a matter of life or death, so they do what they can. “There is another opening in December”, they said. “Somebody is checking out just before Christmas, so we will reserve the place”. My friend who runs the center was on speaker phone and I made sure that my guy in the hospital bed got the message as well.

I leaned over to his face. “Please don’t die on me. I have come all the way from Denmark just for you, brother so don’t you die on me”, I said repeatedly, as I laid my arm around his shoulders, heartbroken with tears in my eyes.

He looked at me with his big wild and half-crazed eyes. “I am not going to die, pastor, not this time”, he ensured me, but I was not that sure unless he will be able to go directly from the hospital to the rehab. My biggest concern is, that he will go back to his house. So before I left, I took his hand and prayed together with him, speaking life, that this man shall live and not die and see the goodness of the Lord.

When Jesus calls you, it is always now. Don’t wait for later. Don’t wait for tomorrow. People die like flies around here. When my wife did a women’s meeting a few weeks ago the police had sealed off the street corner across from our church. Somebody in a body bag was laying there on the ground, and the detectives were investigating for more evidence. Same night one of our local drug dealers lost his friend to a runaway driver on that same corner. He came to church the next morning, freaking out and begging me to contact the police to make sure they would find the runaway driver. I asked him, “Why can’t you talk to them yourself” and he said that nobody would listen to a drunk drug dealer which is true!

One day I had to throw another young man out of the church because he was so rude. He was shouting and cursing on his way out, and I found out that he had already been trespassed by one of our pastors. He said we were not a real church, he was even quoting scriptures trying to teach me how to be a pastor, but one month later a humble young man came to give his testimony. “I was off track for a while, but God has got me now real good”, he said. I did not recognize him, but it was the same man. Since I saw him last time, he had been robbed and shot three times.

These are my sheep on OBT and most of them are black in the sense, that they are lost, not knowing how to find their way and how to behave. Night and day they are putting themselves in danger, breaking through the fence, running around wild, doing drugs, dealing drugs and dying. But Jesus is still the good shepherd leaving the 99 in order to find the one. He does not want anyone to perish, and neither do we.


Bringing Healing to Greenland


In 2003 I was invited to preach the gospel in Northern Greenland. A school teacher in a place called Kullorsuaq (meaning “The Devils Thumb”) had read my book “Conquering Demons” online, and I had received an email from him, asking for help. The school teacher had translated my book into Inuit language so that his wife could read it, and he also made extra copies for friends and families. He had found faith through my book, and now he wanted me to come and preach the gospel for the rest of the village.

I traveled several days by plane and helicopter to get there, and when I finally arrived, revival broke out, together with heavy persecution. People were getting saved, healed and delivered, some of them decided to get baptized which is not in line with the traditional beliefs, and the opposition arose to a point, where they were making plans to assassinate me for introducing a “new religion” different to the Lutheran belief that is dominant in Greenland.

When I left Kullorsuaq I was banned for entering into North West Greenland. I don’t think you can do that legally, but I was told never to return. Over the years I kept contact with the new converts up there, I was happy to hear how they survived the heavy persecution, planted a church and traveled up and down the coast to spread the gospel into the villages on their hunting trips.

Today I received pictures and greetings through Facebook from that same village, where people had been persecuted because of their faith. It was very touching to see how one of our former Powerschool students, Tuparnak Berthelsen, is having a revival in Kullorsuaq. This lady is a walking, talking miracle. She has a wild testimony. At one point she was beaten to death by a drunk guy and was revived by the ambulance crew. After having been dead for several minutes, she woke up with a severe brain damage and was left handicapped for life, until one day in 2001 where she was healed in a meeting with an African evangelist.

I have seen how this lady, over the last couple of years, at her own expense has traveled to remote parts of Greenland and preached the gospel with money she has saved up herself. This summer she went to preach the gospel in Alluitsup Paa which is a remote village in Southern Greenland, and after this, she visited Quarqatoq where she was invited to speak in the local church during a conference. As she shared her testimony and prayed for the sick, many people got saved and healed.

It is such a testimony when I see how God uses this woman in a place where I cannot go anymore. She has supported our ministry for many years every month, and I have seen the fruits of her ministry in Greenland this summer. Not many people can go to the most remote parts of the world, with helicopter and boat, preaching the gospel to tribes of hunters, sleeping in private homes. God has anointed her to do this. She loves it, and she is respected by the Inuit where ever she goes.

God has told me to support Tuparnaq Berthelsen in her traveling ministry in Greenland and also help her to reach out to the Inuit people in Denmark. Greenland is a beautiful nation and the Inuit people there have suffered a lot as they were colonized by Denmark for centuries. Pray for grace and pray for change, that many people will be saved.

Disaster Relief

Relief And Revival to The Panhandle

Watch the video here, Outreach to Mexico Beach

Dear readers of my blog. My last post wasn’t mine, in fact, it was Karen who wrote on my behalf because I was to busy to sit down for several days getting hurricane relief organized and sent to The Panhandle and things went really fast once I started calling pastors, ministers, and business people for help. I realized I had a lot of friends out there! My phone was on fire, and so were my friends!

Pastor Bobby Williams from Freedom Tour in Winter Haven, was already in Panama City with the first two loads of food and water and planning his way back again with another load. Pastor Daniel McGehee from Rural Revival America was already working on his load but was not sure where to take it. When I called pastor Ron Johnson from One Church, Orlando, his youth pastor Kile Riggs was already collecting stuff but did not know where to bring it. James Watson from Real Life, Clermont, immediately volunteered to bring a truckload of water and rented another truck for me with a trailer, I had personally not even thought of how to bring the relief up there yet. All was so preplanned. God had already spoken to several people and things went fast, real fast. My friend Mark Lewis and his wife Fonda from Laserweld, Houston Inc, Texas were on their way to Florida to preach in Powerhouse Church but canceled their air tickets and instead filled their big RV with nine generators and supplies. They left their RV for coworkers use at the staging ground in Mexico Beach. Several pastors donated money for generators and gasoline so that we as a group could buy generators where they were cheap and available around the states. Together we hauled more than 30!

Wednesday we all met with our loads in Pt. St. Joe and started distributing. There was quite a bit of chaos and it was easy to feel the pain in the people. Everybody knew somebody that had lost all. Our contact was a sweet elderly lady called Kay, she knew everybody around and through her, we got started on the ground. As we were unloading I heard shouts from inside the staging hall and soon they send for pastor Bobby Williams while I continued unloading with my crew in what felt like 100 degrees. It got more and louder inside and I decided to go in to see what was going on. Sure enough, it was pastor Daniel McGehee again, you leave him out of sight for two minutes and he starts a revival in the grocery store, at the gas station or at the staging area in the catastrophe zone. He is so Jesus wild that he will preach wherever there are people.

My brothers in Christ were there, praying for the relief workers for salvation, healing, deliverance, and people were on the ground knocked out in the Spirit. I had to see that for myself and stood in the back watching these two men of God bringing Jesus Christ into this hopeless situation. A guy next to me said that “He could sure use a healing too because his back had been in pain for many years”…  I prayed for him and he was healed on the spot!

Somebody had to do the hard work unloading the trailer so I went out again but was cut off by this lady in the door who asked me to speak to her ear, ” I have been deaf on that ear for many years”, she said. She pulled her hearing aid out of the other ear and asked me to speak one more time. She responded immediately. ” I can hear much better on that ear as well, I think God sent you guys here”, she said with tears running down her cheeks.

When I finally came out to the trailer a man came up to me. “Are you all doing revival meetings in the area?” he asked because he wanted to come with his whole family. “Are you serious?”, I asked and he said loud and clear ” Yes”. I realized right there that people were so grateful to be alive after that horrible hurricane and many had been praying while hiding for God to protect them and he did.

This week Pastors Daniel McGehee and Bobby William’s are starting revival meetings in the middle of that whole chaos of destruction and I believe many will come to Christ. That day in the middle of the destruction many people got saved, healed and delivered. It took a hurricane in their lives to chase them into the hands of Our Loving Father. Over the past week, many more loads of provisions kept coming in and yesterday our contact called us and said that they had enough water and food. Now they need supplies for those that cannot live in their houses and are staying on beaches so we will continue to help them bring in outdoor equipment, cooking gear, and blankets, chainsaws etc.

The good news is that the basic physical needs in the area, so now we can start to care for the Spiritual needs – bringing the Good News to the victims of Hurricane Michael.

Check out this greeting from Pastor Wanda from Lighthouse Pentecostal Ministries.

Greetings From Pastor Wanda

Words can be hard to find in times like this! Praise God for folks like you who have gone above and beyond to help our communities that have been affected by hurricane Michael! “Thank You” does not seem adequate to tell you what your help and support has meant to us up here in the Panhandle of Florida! We pray for God to bless each of you – a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over!                                                       Pastor Wanda, Lighthouse Pentecostal Ministries

Disaster Relief

Help Us Help The Hurricane Victims



The past two days have been wild. It started yesterday morning. Even before I was out of bed my husband was out praying, calling in help from the north, the south, the east, and the west. He was praying for the Panhandle, for the people affected by the Hurricane Michael, that made landfall in Mexico Beach, Florida as a high-end Category 4 storm early Wednesday afternoon — the strongest such storm on record to hit the Florida Panhandle and one of the strongest ever to strike the continental U.S.

While we were still with the ministry in Denmark, my husband traveled to America and had his first revival in Oak Grove Church in Pt. Saint Joe 12 miles down the coast from Mexico Beach. It was back in 2008-2009, and after this event, we kept coming back every year on our road trip to preach and to meet our brothers and sisters in Christ. This church blessed our socks off, the first time we were there they gave a big offering into our ministry, and God showed me that now is the time to bless the people back.

These people are suffering. Many have lost their homes and businesses, they have no electricity, no water, no food, they are in deep need of everything – even a toothbrush! One man woke up after the storm with no house, no car and the place where he used to work was blown away. We have all seen the pictures on the news. It is hard to imagine, but there are areas at the coast that will not have electricity before January,

My husband has been working hard to generate money for generators. Last night he went to Lowes and bought their last generators for cost price, he bought it on the credit card without knowing if the money would come, but God is faithful. As I am writing this blog, money is coming in towards the generators, so that we are able to buy more. Together with other pastors we now have more than 30 generators to bring to the people in the Panhandle! Besides this, we have bought jerry cans that we are filling up with diesel to get the generators up and running.

We have direct contact with people in the staging places in Mexico Beach and Pt. St. Joe. If somebody wants to come and stay to help clean up, they will provide places. When are we leaving? My husband and our son are leaving early Wednesday morning. Somebody just called and said that he is renting a truck for me,  so now we will be several trucks going from our church. The ride is usually around six hours, but right now we don’t know how long it’s gonna take. The roads are really bad and broken trees are everywhere.

Besides generators and 100 gallons of diesel, we will bring chainsaws, blankets, water, and food.  We have people drop off stuff at our house and at our church, and our friends from Texas will meet us halfway in an RV loaded with stuff. Things are growing as I am writing. I wanted my husband to blog but he is too busy loading stuff and talking on the phone. Now when we got an extra vehicle we need to take more stuff!

When we started we have nothing, but God is touching peoples hearts as we have been sharing. People share a lot these days on social media and I hope you will help us share! But don’t let it stop there, remember sharing is not the same as caring. If you want to join us, you can go to our donate page and sow a seed. There are so many needs and we need many people to contribute. Why are we doing this? Because Jesus said, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Even a little help can be a big blessing for somebody. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please check this video! do unto others


Look What The Lord Has Done


Last week I went to London to celebrate my Bishops 20th anniversary in London. Imagine I was there at the very first meeting 20 years ago when they started the ministry in England. This was how it all began. My Bishop showed me how to heal the sick and I caught faith! It was in those meetings Gods power came over me and I came back a transformed man. In less than two months I had a revival going on in a Catholic Church in Denmark and became known in the whole country as an evangelist. It was wild!

For two days I attended the meetings with Bishop Teresia Wairimu and her FEM (Faith Evangelistic Ministries) staff in the meeting hall in Westminster. People came from Europe and Africa, including the youth dance team from Nairobi, Kenya. However, one of the biggest experiences took place outside the conference and in the middle of the night. We left the meetings at Westminster very late and did not arrive at our hotel before after midnight. We were hungry and the only place to eat was in the lounge. My friends were waiting for me in the lounge. We sat down, and the woman in the reception came running straight to me, not to pick up my order, but to talk.

“I am not stalking you”, she said, “but you are you not a pastor?”. I looked at her. I could tell she was desperate. She was so sweet. My friends next to me wanted to order their food, they did not realize what was about to happen. This was more important than food. “I know you are with the people from the conference”, she continued, “I checked you on the Internet,. I am not stalking you, but I desperately need God in my life”.

She told me that she had been to church this morning for the first time and was touched by the message. She also told me that life was a mess, so she was desperate for change. When my friends from the conference came to see me and ask her to call my room, she got my name and found out who I was.

Again she told me that she needed a miracle in her life. I realized this was real. She was asking for help to receive Jesus, so I asked her to tell her story one time more and listened really carefully. Sure enough, she had prayed that day for the first time for God to meet her, she wanted transformation now!

I looked at her hand. She had a splined wrist all bandaged up. I asked her what had happened and she explained how she had fallen and how she could hardly use her hand. Now I asked if she believed that Jesus Christ could do that for.  She looked at me. “Absolutely, beyond a doubt, He can heal me right now”. I said a short prayer. I realized this woman had faith, so I prayed and told her to take the bandage off. She moved her hand back and forth and was completely healed!

The receptionist was chocked in a positive way. She had never experienced a miracle but was ready for the next. I asked again, “Are you ready to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour” “Absolutely” she answered, and right there in front of everybody she prayed Jesus Christ to come into her life and save her.

It was a very late but beautiful experience and when I left I was wondering what and how that just happened. When I passed by the reception later that night she was still  “high” on Jesus Christ at the reception desk.  I was so amazed to see what had just happened so I asked if I could shoot a video with her so that you (and my wife!) could see how Jesus Christ had called this woman into his Kingdom. Look what the Lord has done, you can check the video here was she a stalker?

Act 8:39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away. The official did not see him again but continued on his way, full of joy.


A Week With The Family


For the past three months, I have been planning to go to London for a conference with my bishop and spiritual Mum, Evangelist Teresia Wairimu. For the past 20 years, she has been my spiritual authority and I love her very dearly. What she has taught me during the years has been gold. I am so thankful that God gave me a mum in a time where there were no spiritual Fathers around.

The Bible talks about submitting to spiritual authority and I have been submitted to her since the first time I met my mum in Rev. Reinhard Bonnkes office in a Fire Conference in Stuttgart, Germany. Back then I traveled all the way from Denmark to Germany to have her lay hands on me, and when I finally came for the prayer, I heard myself ask her 3 questions. Number one, if she could come to Denmark. Number two, if I could be a part of her team. And number three, the hands …  The answer was “yes”, and as she laid her hands on me, I went straight to the floor. I don’t remember nothing. But when I woke up an hour later my voice was gone because I had cried so much, and all the small blood vessels around my eyes were broken. My wife said I looked like somebody who had been given birth – and she was right! This experience led to the birth of our ministry, and since then, we have been a part of her ministry which is Faith Evangelistic Ministries (F.E.M.) in Nairobi, Kenya.

This morning when I packed my suitcase I was sad to leave my family. I have spent so many months traveling over the years, and in this season I like to stay home with my wife and my boys to build the church. My wife reminded me why I am going. That I am called to preach the gospel and that I should know it is a privilege to be a part of what God is doing in the nations. Because of Him, I will go to the end of the world!

I am leaving tonight, and my first stop will be in Copenhagen, Denmark, where our daughter is waiting. She is staying at our friend’s house overnight and will join me as I am driving to my see my parents in my hometown Vejle three hours west of Copenhagen. I love my parents. I owe them everything, they showed me the way, the truth and the life that I am living today. They are old now and I will go and sit with them and honor them and tell them how much I love them. And we will pray together and tell Jesus how much we love Him and thank him because He has been so good to us.

I will stay for two days with my parents in Denmark and then I will fly to England to see my Mum Teresia Wairimu for another two days before I return to Orlando. It is a lot of traveling but I believe it is worth it. I love my family and I treasure spiritual leadership. I recognize the people that God has put on my path and I will not take any of them for granted. What God honors, I will honor. That is how I live and that is how I stay alive!

Hebrews 13.17. Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.

Exodus 20.12. “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

First American Nation

Hope Dealers in South Dakota

This summer we received an invitation to visit the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. We were invited by a pastor who lived there and we’re excited to go. We traveled almost 2000 miles to get there, and as we crossed the border to the reservation we realized how far away this was from what we call home!

The Rose Bud Sioux Nation in South Dakota is a nation of 25.000 people living on 2800 square miles of land. The land is vast, the summers are dry and the winters are cold. It is not unusual for South Dakota to have severe hot, dry spells in the summer with the temperature climbing above 100 °F and winters going low to -30 °F with an average snowfall of 41 inches.

We stayed in a small town called “Mission” and found out that this was a mission, even more than expected. The church there was small. The first night we were only a few people, the pastor, the leader of the school, the worship leader and his wife, plus a family with nine kids! Even though the meetings had been advertised on the radio nobody from outside showed up! We realized that God had to give us a new strategy to reach the people, so we decided to make a bill payment. If Jesus came to announce good news for the poor, what would be more fulfilling that paying peoples bills?

Next day we went out with flyers and visited every corner of town, as many trailer homes as we could reach, every apartment, every street. As we knocked on the doors, the kids would answer. Many places we did not see the adults. Most people were friendly, and when we invited them for the bill pay they were very surprised. They had never heard of anything like this, and they all had bills that needed to be paid. One family had been without electricity for five months!

As we walked around and talked to people we could feel the hopelessness. So much poverty, misery, drug and alcohol abuse, unemployment … there were only a few grocery stores in town, only one bank, a Family Dollar with next to nothing on the shelves and more than 100 miles to the nearest Walmart. I was thinking of the family in church with the nine kids. How do you raise your kids and provide for your family with little substances in such a desolate place?

We were “hope dealers”, dealing hope to the hopeless. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, so in this case, hope had to come before faith! We were speaking hope, declaring hope, singing songs of hope: “Let hope arise, let hope remain, the dawn is breaking, it’s a new day!”, expecting God to change the atmosphere.

Many people came for the bill pay, they brought their bills and entered the drawing. The first two nights we gave away 2 x 500 dollars, and Sunday morning we gave away 1.000 dollars. The money was donated by people in our home church and people that we met on the road, it was awesome to see how it all came together!

First night five people were saved. The pastor was crying. For the past 40 years he had never seen five people saved at the same time, he said. The following days more people got saved. I think we counted 21 in total. We saw how hope was restored in peoples lives, maybe they came for the bill pay but they stayed for Jesus. They did not hurry to get back home, those that came the first night came back, and some of them also brought friends and family along.

When we left with our team after service Sunday, we wanted to pack them all up in the car and take them back home to Orlando, but obviously, that can’t happen! We believe God has another plan. Jesus says, who should I send, who will go? I trust God will call and send people to fulfill the mission out there, he is the author and the finisher of our faith, and we believe that He who started the work will be faithful to complete it, not only in our lives but also in the life of the people we ministered to.

We left a piece of our hearts there, and we pray that we will be able to be back. Help us share the vision. Some of you have supported this trip financially, and we trust that God will call more people to support. Pray for Mission, pray for the reservation, pray for the Native Americans. Let hope arise!

You can watch the video from the reservation here: hope dealers in the reservation

First American Nation

When The Bellboys Came for Prayer


Today as we start our roadtrip to visit the Rose bud Sioux Indian nation in South Dakota I want to share with you an experience from last year so that you can understand how God is opening doors and directing our steps supernaturally.

On our roadtrip last year God put in our hearts to pray for revival among the native Americans. We had no clue how to reach them but we asked God to use us and made ourselves available.

God did not only open our hearts, he opened our eyes .Suddenly we saw them everywhere: At the roadside, gas stations, the laundromats, the casinos ..  At one point we picked up a Navajo woman in the middle of nowhere. She had left her drunk husband in the village because she did not want to live with him anymore. She wanted to go back to town and get her own apartment with water and electricity so that she wouldn’t have to cook food on the fireplace no more!

One night in New Mexico we stop by a casino. As we went in to find something to eat we realized that the Indian people not only worked here. Many of them lived here. They sat at the slot machines drinking and smoking waiting for luck to come. There was absolutely no luck. Only emptiness and misery to be found.

We tried to reach out but nobody wanted to talk. We asked God to lead us to somebody, believing for one that God had prepared for us to meet!

On our way back we checked into our hotel .My husband took the luggage and meet the bellboy. This young man was half Arapaho and half Cheyenne. My husband started talking about the Holy Spirit and when I finally got to our hotel room on the 7th floor the bellboy was standing outside the door, hanging over the cart, speaking in tongues so loud that people stopped and watched in the hallway.

After 20 minutes the bellboy went back to work and we could finally go to bed. Just before midnight my husband received a text message. It was the bellboy asking if he could play golf with us tomorrow! What the heck …???

We realized this was not about golf, but rather an attempt to meet again. The bellboy wanted to introduce us to his bellboy friend so we could pray for him. The story was like this. When our bellboy came down from the 7th floor his friend could see the change in his face and now his friend wanted the same thing!

This was the moment we had been praying for. We got back in our clothes and invited them to our room. Next thing we had two bellboys kneeling at the bedside praying to receive the Holy Spirit. What a sight. My husband had to take a picture, if not, nobody would have believed it.

That night we were able to sow a seed into the revival amongst the native Americans. It started with our prayers and before we knew of it, we were having a prayer meeting with two bellboys in our hotel room. This was how it began, and here is how it continues this year as we are on the road again to preach the gospel in the Indian reservation.

Pray for us as we go, that God will have his way and people will receive salvation, healing and deliverance. We are driving for the next three weeks, so follow the blog and stay tuned!