
Recap from a Mission Trip to Ecuador

Are you dreaming of going places where you have never been, seeing things that you have never seen? Watch this 5 minutes video documentary from our latest trip to the Amazon Jungle in Ecuador visiting remote places.

Powerhouse Church

Don’t You Ever Give Up Hope

This Christmas it has been seven years since we first came to America and started feeding the homeless people on Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando, Florida. Every Wednesday and Sunday after church, but also a lot in between. Even before the church was established, our family has served tens of thousands of people, and if somebody asks me if it has been worth it, I will always say “yes”.

Honestly, I don’t think about it, I just do it. If I start to think too deeply about what we are doing I might start to lose courage. Orange Blossom Trail needs a lot of change, and we all know that it’s not the food, that will change the community. It is Jesus Christ. My focus is so strong on Jesus Christ and the vision that I refuse to look back and faith in him keeps me alive and strong in all the daily problems.

I have many pastor friends now in America and sometimes I have to pinch myself in the arm when I hear about their problems, how I wish I sometimes could swab problems with them. Just last week alone, two of the people that come to our church regularly have died out in the street, but still, I am convinced that I am graced to do this job.

There is a Reason, Pastor!

Let me give you three fresh testimonies that kept me going this past week:

In our church we have this homeless man that I have fed for seven years, he always sticks to himself, he has a long beard and white wild hair, and not so long ago he told me why. “There is a reason, pastor. I want people to think that I am crazy so that they will stay away from me”, he explained. “I am not crazy, but I am so hurt by people, I just want to sit on an island alone and die”, he said. This man has been expelled many times because he has been drunk and aggressive, but last year he detoxed himself off one bottle of vodka a day and has been sober for a long time. Now he has decided to follow Jesus, and Sunday he was in our service for the first time ever and got baptized in front of everybody. Even I was astonished to see him take that turn. For many years it seemed like nothing was happening but now, all of a sudden, he is changing big time.

My Other Sheep

One of my other “sheep” have been coming to our Community Cafe for a long time. They are always around, and they are always high and drunk. They live in a different world of substance abuse and we have had many problems with one of them in particular. No matter what I say, they will never listen, so I must admit that I kind of wrote them off, still knowing that “nothing is impossible with God”.

This week I saw the impossible. I was outside the Community Cafe talking to one of the guys, and when I came into the building everybody was real quiet. I had to look twice when I saw my “case impossible” speak in front of everybody. “So many people have died out here, but this church has saved my life”, he said. “This is our street, and we must stand together to change our community. We can do it. If they could change me, you can change as well. But it takes faith in God and faith in the church”, he said.

I was stunned. This man has threatened me and my family and my volunteers over and over again. Recently we gave him the “last chance”, he has been asked to leave the facility several times, but now I am happy that we had faith, patience, and longsuffering enough to love him through. Now he is pulling people into the church.

We Saved his Life …

My last “case impossible” is a young man that I don’t remember “not high”. A few months ago he told me that he was starting in school, A young man that I do not remember “not high” on drugs told me a few months ago that he was starting to go to school. I took the time to talk to him but it looked like the word was just going in through one ear and out of the other. I also prayed with him, and next time I saw him around he was sitting down, talking to another young drug addict about Jesus Christ. “You know me from the streets”, he said, “but I have changed, ever since pastor prayed for me and I started listening to him, my life has changed. I am going back to school. This pastor saved my life!” he said.

I almost fell off my chair, I had not seen that one coming and I realized right there that our word is like a living seed. We must preach whether people like it or not. We must not stop speaking about Jesus Christ. The word is alive and has mighty power to save.

When I came home Friday I was still in awe. Two of the most impossible cases were testifying in front of other people that I had saved their lives and I did not even know it. The third “impossible” guy was baptized on his first Sunday in church. Wauv, I never get tired of serving Jesus Christ.

Happy New Years from all of us here in Orlando. We walk by faith, not by sight. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Don’t ever give up hope!


Bringing Healing to Greenland


In 2003 I was invited to preach the gospel in Northern Greenland. A school teacher in a place called Kullorsuaq (meaning “The Devils Thumb”) had read my book “Conquering Demons” online, and I had received an email from him, asking for help. The school teacher had translated my book into Inuit language so that his wife could read it, and he also made extra copies for friends and families. He had found faith through my book, and now he wanted me to come and preach the gospel for the rest of the village.

I traveled several days by plane and helicopter to get there, and when I finally arrived, revival broke out, together with heavy persecution. People were getting saved, healed and delivered, some of them decided to get baptized which is not in line with the traditional beliefs, and the opposition arose to a point, where they were making plans to assassinate me for introducing a “new religion” different to the Lutheran belief that is dominant in Greenland.

When I left Kullorsuaq I was banned for entering into North West Greenland. I don’t think you can do that legally, but I was told never to return. Over the years I kept contact with the new converts up there, I was happy to hear how they survived the heavy persecution, planted a church and traveled up and down the coast to spread the gospel into the villages on their hunting trips.

Today I received pictures and greetings through Facebook from that same village, where people had been persecuted because of their faith. It was very touching to see how one of our former Powerschool students, Tuparnak Berthelsen, is having a revival in Kullorsuaq. This lady is a walking, talking miracle. She has a wild testimony. At one point she was beaten to death by a drunk guy and was revived by the ambulance crew. After having been dead for several minutes, she woke up with a severe brain damage and was left handicapped for life, until one day in 2001 where she was healed in a meeting with an African evangelist.

I have seen how this lady, over the last couple of years, at her own expense has traveled to remote parts of Greenland and preached the gospel with money she has saved up herself. This summer she went to preach the gospel in Alluitsup Paa which is a remote village in Southern Greenland, and after this, she visited Quarqatoq where she was invited to speak in the local church during a conference. As she shared her testimony and prayed for the sick, many people got saved and healed.

It is such a testimony when I see how God uses this woman in a place where I cannot go anymore. She has supported our ministry for many years every month, and I have seen the fruits of her ministry in Greenland this summer. Not many people can go to the most remote parts of the world, with helicopter and boat, preaching the gospel to tribes of hunters, sleeping in private homes. God has anointed her to do this. She loves it, and she is respected by the Inuit where ever she goes.

God has told me to support Tuparnaq Berthelsen in her traveling ministry in Greenland and also help her to reach out to the Inuit people in Denmark. Greenland is a beautiful nation and the Inuit people there have suffered a lot as they were colonized by Denmark for centuries. Pray for grace and pray for change, that many people will be saved.


Look What The Lord Has Done


Last week I went to London to celebrate my Bishops 20th anniversary in London. Imagine I was there at the very first meeting 20 years ago when they started the ministry in England. This was how it all began. My Bishop showed me how to heal the sick and I caught faith! It was in those meetings Gods power came over me and I came back a transformed man. In less than two months I had a revival going on in a Catholic Church in Denmark and became known in the whole country as an evangelist. It was wild!

For two days I attended the meetings with Bishop Teresia Wairimu and her FEM (Faith Evangelistic Ministries) staff in the meeting hall in Westminster. People came from Europe and Africa, including the youth dance team from Nairobi, Kenya. However, one of the biggest experiences took place outside the conference and in the middle of the night. We left the meetings at Westminster very late and did not arrive at our hotel before after midnight. We were hungry and the only place to eat was in the lounge. My friends were waiting for me in the lounge. We sat down, and the woman in the reception came running straight to me, not to pick up my order, but to talk.

“I am not stalking you”, she said, “but you are you not a pastor?”. I looked at her. I could tell she was desperate. She was so sweet. My friends next to me wanted to order their food, they did not realize what was about to happen. This was more important than food. “I know you are with the people from the conference”, she continued, “I checked you on the Internet,. I am not stalking you, but I desperately need God in my life”.

She told me that she had been to church this morning for the first time and was touched by the message. She also told me that life was a mess, so she was desperate for change. When my friends from the conference came to see me and ask her to call my room, she got my name and found out who I was.

Again she told me that she needed a miracle in her life. I realized this was real. She was asking for help to receive Jesus, so I asked her to tell her story one time more and listened really carefully. Sure enough, she had prayed that day for the first time for God to meet her, she wanted transformation now!

I looked at her hand. She had a splined wrist all bandaged up. I asked her what had happened and she explained how she had fallen and how she could hardly use her hand. Now I asked if she believed that Jesus Christ could do that for.  She looked at me. “Absolutely, beyond a doubt, He can heal me right now”. I said a short prayer. I realized this woman had faith, so I prayed and told her to take the bandage off. She moved her hand back and forth and was completely healed!

The receptionist was chocked in a positive way. She had never experienced a miracle but was ready for the next. I asked again, “Are you ready to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour” “Absolutely” she answered, and right there in front of everybody she prayed Jesus Christ to come into her life and save her.

It was a very late but beautiful experience and when I left I was wondering what and how that just happened. When I passed by the reception later that night she was still  “high” on Jesus Christ at the reception desk.  I was so amazed to see what had just happened so I asked if I could shoot a video with her so that you (and my wife!) could see how Jesus Christ had called this woman into his Kingdom. Look what the Lord has done, you can check the video here was she a stalker?

Act 8:39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away. The official did not see him again but continued on his way, full of joy.


A Week With The Family


For the past three months, I have been planning to go to London for a conference with my bishop and spiritual Mum, Evangelist Teresia Wairimu. For the past 20 years, she has been my spiritual authority and I love her very dearly. What she has taught me during the years has been gold. I am so thankful that God gave me a mum in a time where there were no spiritual Fathers around.

The Bible talks about submitting to spiritual authority and I have been submitted to her since the first time I met my mum in Rev. Reinhard Bonnkes office in a Fire Conference in Stuttgart, Germany. Back then I traveled all the way from Denmark to Germany to have her lay hands on me, and when I finally came for the prayer, I heard myself ask her 3 questions. Number one, if she could come to Denmark. Number two, if I could be a part of her team. And number three, the hands …  The answer was “yes”, and as she laid her hands on me, I went straight to the floor. I don’t remember nothing. But when I woke up an hour later my voice was gone because I had cried so much, and all the small blood vessels around my eyes were broken. My wife said I looked like somebody who had been given birth – and she was right! This experience led to the birth of our ministry, and since then, we have been a part of her ministry which is Faith Evangelistic Ministries (F.E.M.) in Nairobi, Kenya.

This morning when I packed my suitcase I was sad to leave my family. I have spent so many months traveling over the years, and in this season I like to stay home with my wife and my boys to build the church. My wife reminded me why I am going. That I am called to preach the gospel and that I should know it is a privilege to be a part of what God is doing in the nations. Because of Him, I will go to the end of the world!

I am leaving tonight, and my first stop will be in Copenhagen, Denmark, where our daughter is waiting. She is staying at our friend’s house overnight and will join me as I am driving to my see my parents in my hometown Vejle three hours west of Copenhagen. I love my parents. I owe them everything, they showed me the way, the truth and the life that I am living today. They are old now and I will go and sit with them and honor them and tell them how much I love them. And we will pray together and tell Jesus how much we love Him and thank him because He has been so good to us.

I will stay for two days with my parents in Denmark and then I will fly to England to see my Mum Teresia Wairimu for another two days before I return to Orlando. It is a lot of traveling but I believe it is worth it. I love my family and I treasure spiritual leadership. I recognize the people that God has put on my path and I will not take any of them for granted. What God honors, I will honor. That is how I live and that is how I stay alive!

Hebrews 13.17. Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.

Exodus 20.12. “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God is giving you.


Woman Healed From MS

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This lady came to our church in Orlando suffering from MS (multiple sclerosis). During our regular Sunday service, we called for prayer and many sick people came forward to be healed. When the service was over, a man came to me asking, if I could pray for his wife. I knew that somebody already had prayed for her, so why would I pray again?

The husband insisted. We went to the back building to eat lunch and now I saw how the lady was dragging her legs. She could not walk, and the husband explained that she was suffering from MS. I found out that it was a nurse at the hospital who had invited her to come. The woman was a believer and she came from another church, where they did not believe that healing was for everybody. I told her that we don’t share that belief!

I know from experience that a lot of sicknesses is related to past pain and unforgiveness because of trauma. MS is the same thing. After lunch, I asked the lady to bring the Bible to the table and we started reading how Jesus was healing the sick. She took notes and I could see that this woman had faith! I knew a miracle was about to take place and I told one of my ushers to be ready with the phone to film and document the miracle.

I started ministering to her about forgiveness, and in the video, you can see how she starts forgiving people that had hurt in the past. It is a very touching moment. In the end, I ask if she is ready to run? I start counting 1-2-3, and immediately she starts running so fast that the cameraman is left behind. He runs out the door and sees the nurse who is looking for the lady but she is already around the building, so the nurse and the cameraman turns around and now they see her running towards them, out the door and around the building another time!

Now the lady is running around the church in loops praising Jesus. You can also see her husband crying, still sitting at the table inside the building. He is in chock and testifies how she has never been able to do this before.

Watch the video here

Never give up. Never lose hope. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the author and the finisher of our faith, and He is working out miracles today if we only believe.

Romans 8.11. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.


Scales Fell From Her Eyes

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Puyo Mission Trip

I have found it hard to describe details from the latest mission trip to Ecuador. So many wonderful things happened but this video from the adventures in the jungle and the miracle crusade in Puyo says it all. You can sense the anointing in the songs, the hunger, the expectation, the miracles. And you can hear the testimony of the blind girl that got healed in the first night of the miracle crusade in Puyo, Ecuador.


My Holy Spirit Comeback to Lima, Peru

Last week I was preaching in Lima, Peru, which was a very unique experience for me, not because of the traveling and the preaching, but merely because of the timing.  I have traveled to more than 60 nations preaching the gospel, but for me going to Peru this time was a vision coming through.

Let me give you some background. In 1988 Karen and I went on our one year honeymoon around the world, hitchhiking with a guitar and a fishing pole on top of our backpacks. At that time we fell in love with Peru. It was the country of all countries, full of ancient Inca history and adventures. We stayed in Lima for two months playing the guitar every night in the downtown area in order to pay for our hotel and there we met all the weird and dangerous people that only show up when other people go to bed. I played music with the Indians that taught me how to make artisan work, and for the next 10 years, Karen and I were convinced that we were called as missionaries to Peru.

I started to study Spanish in Copenhagen but, as the years went by, the calling got a little “rusty”. I would go back once a year to find artisan products to sell in Denmark and my little import business was growing. I kept talking about moving to Peru but eventually, Karen asked me not to mention it anymore. With a 3-year-old handicapped daughter in a wheelchair being a missionary in Peru seemed as impossible as going to the moon.

In 1992 I went on an expedition in the Amazon Jungle, fought my way down the Amazon River from Venezuela to Peru with a friend of mine. It was the wildest adventure. We traveled in a bongo (a boat made out of a carved tree) for five weeks until we finally made it to Iquitos which is the jungle capital of Peru.

At this time Peru was dominated by the terror movement called the Shining Path. People were being killed on the main roads so there was no way we could go from Iquitos over the Andes which is the biggest chain of mountains in South America. We had to go by plane so we bribed a military pilot to board his big military cargo jet. It was not a comfortable flight on top of canons and munitions. I was a young Danish man who had barely seen a weapon before so I was absolutely shocked when we landed at a military airport on high alert and ready for immediate action.

As we arrived Lima was in a standdown with the terrorists celebrating their 10th anniversary blowing up big car bombs and random killings.  Everybody was tense and scared and at night tanks were driving around with heavily armed and masked soldiers on top scouting the rooftops for potential attackers. As we came around the corner of the main street in the center of Lima, a crowd came running towards us screaming “coche bomba.” I had no idea what that meant but seeing the fear in their eyes made me turn around and soon I found myself running for my life in front of the whole crowd as a car bomb went off in the middle of the day. I remember walking down the street and shots going off over our heads and us seeking cover on the ground.  All in all, it was some very frightening experiences and I made a promise that I would never go back before it would be in the service of Jesus Christ.

In September 2017, 25 years later, I found myself in the same streets but where I used to run for my life, I was now preaching the gospel. Everything had changed, Lima is now double the size with 12 million citizens, and I was going to areas and cities that did not exist in 1992.  I met with my old friend Carlos who used to change money for me in the street. Today he owns three money changing bureaus. He took me around on the back of his motorcycle and I took him to church.

I have had several opportunities to go to Peru but I wanted to wait for God to open the doors. This time I knew the Holy Spirit told me to go, together with my pastor friend from Clermont who has been talking to me about his constant trips to Peru over the years. Traveling with him, I met many pastors from different churches and many wonderful Christians. I preached and worshipped in Spanish, still asking God “what do you want me to do for such a time as this?”

I believe in pre-destined lifestyle and for the past 20 years of full-time ministry, I have had incredible encounters with God and with people. This time was no exception. Before my last meeting in Lima, I found what I was looking for. I was preaching in a meeting and the Holy Spirit fell on the congregation. When we started worshipping, we couldn’t stop. The worship band consisted of four professional musicians, they were all brothers, very gifted and at the same time very anointed. The worship went on and on in waves till after midnight. It was such a unique experience.

Holy Spirit meeting in Lima.

Before I left Lima I met with the four brothers whom God had connected me to in such a special way. We talked about what happened that night and they said they had never experienced the presence of God this way before. I knew it was about destiny and so did they. This was no coincidence. God is looking throughout the earth to support those whose hearts are fully committed to him (2 Chronicles 16.9), so this is what I will be looking for as well. These young men had such hearts and, as we had ministered together in the meeting, we knew that we are going to minister together in the future. God will show us how and when but this is about destiny: The calling for Peru has been revived.