
Welcome To The Jungle

In 1992 I made an adventurous trip through the Amazon Jungle. I went together with a friend to Boa Vista, Venezuela, and hired a local with a “bongo” that could take us from the Orinoco River to the Rio Negro and onto the Great Amazon River. Through the rainforest to the Yanomami Indians which was the latest discovered tribe in the Amazon jungle. It took us several weeks on the rivers before we arrived, and when we finally got there I suffered from an ear infection, my head swallowed up from swimming in the river with the chief, and had to be transported by boat down the river to receive medical treatment in the nearest village

It was a wild trip, meeting the indigenous people, sleeping in hammocks, fishing piranha, monkey hunting, encountering wild animals and all kinds of poisonous snakes, fighting mosquitos and being stopped on the rivers in the night by the military. When I finally made it to Peru five weeks later I could not wait to go home to my wife!

Back then I was studying Spanish at the Business University in Copenhagen and every year I would go to South America to improve my language skills and to explore business opportunities that would pay for my trips. This was before God called me an evangelist. I used to be an adventurer, but after I surrendered my life fully to Jesus he became the ultimate adventure of my life. There is nothing like serving him, travelling with him, walking in the miraculous, experiencing this predestined Christian lifestyle.

When I went through the Amazon Jungle as a young man, I wanted to serve him. Little did I know that one day, 25 years later, he would take me back to the rainforest, not as an adventurer but preaching the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love people and I can’t wait to meet the people in Puya. I know it’s gonna be a wild experience. I expect God to do wild things as we travel around to churches, minister to leaders and families and preach Jesus to the people that are not yet saved.

One time I was travelling with my friend, we met this family that was living in the jungle. The mother was paralyzed in both legs and was sitting on the floor in the cabin where they lived. I told her about Jesus, and when she received him as her personal Lord and Savior, the woman was healed. We led the whole family to Christ that day and they got baptized in the Holy Spirit. When we left they were all smiling and the mother was walking around.

This time I will only be going for a week, together with my son Hector and some of my pastors’ friends from “Heart of Titus” which is an American mission organisation, and I am set up for a crusade in the Ecuadorian part of the Amazon Jungle in a smaller city called Puja. If you have ever heard about the movie “The End of The Spear”, this is the same area, where American missionaries died on a mission in the 1950’s and sparked the revival among the violent Waodani tribe.

I expect God to do great miracles during the crusade in Puya. Keep us in your prayers as we travel next week. God has called us to go, not only to the highways and byways but to the ends of the world. My prayer is always, “God, do something I have not seen before” and He keeps doing it. When I think I have seen it all, there is still more.

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Cor. 2.9.